Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is part of the park we walk through to get to church. You can see the poof (white) from the birch trees along the edge of the walk.

This is Sister Gorlava and Sister Tumochko after they had passed us on the way to church. They walk much faster than we can. Sister Tumochko is Ukrainian and went to the Youth Conference we had when we were in Ukraine. Sister Gorlava is Russian. The building on the R. is just another apartment complex with its little park in the center on the way to church.

This is more of our big park on the way to church. They just planted the birch trees.

This is our living room with a sofa in it now. Before we just had two chairs and the sofa was in the "library". But we don't have enough seating for the firesides, so I made Robert move the sofa. We also bought 20 folding chairs from Ikea and have 6 kitchen chairs, so we can squeeze in now.

This is piles of poof ourside our door to our apartment building.

This is poof in the park behind us. It looks like it has been snowing because it is about 3 inches deep. And when you look out there is snow flakes flying all over, and blue skies overhead. It is great!

This is the bullet train we took to Segovia when we were in Spain for our visa renewal. Ever three months, we have to make the trip somewhere. They go to Poland, Latvia, Mongolia, Kazikstan and Spain right now.

This is the Savchuuck family. Victor in front is the 1st counselor in the Branch Presidency. Nina is the mom, Dasha is 17 and in front, the blond is Galya and she is 20. They are a wonderful family. The Elders are Jensen, Swensen, Mayorov (russian) and Larson (from the left). They are great Elders

This family is going to drive to the Helsinki Temple this summer. They will take 6 weeks to get there and back, driving all the way. Galya just got her drivers lic. so will help with the driving.

This is our entry way with our new shoe rack from Ikea (everyone takes their shoes off when you go inside) and our area rug from Home Depot (sort of).

This is our electrical box. How do you like the two circuits wired together. and not even with electrical tape.

This is the 4 inch door. And you can see the locks. It has a steel core.
This the back (really our front) of our apartment building. The brown steel door lower left is our entrance. We have a small magnet that opens the door. The 2 windows above the second balcony from the left is our "library" and our bedroom. The cars are in the "gated" parking lot for just "our building"

This is the stairs up to our apartment. Our door is the bit of brown on the right. The blue box on the wall is our electrical with the circuits wired together. Notice the wiring on the wall. This is phone, internet and who know what else.

This is opur little magnet security alarm system. You put the magnet on it for 5 seconds when you leave and the top little circle blinks red. When you come back you put the manget on it again and after 5 -10 seconds the light starts blinking green. This is all wired to the security company.

Robert opening our two locks. If I can find the picture, I will post it. The door is 4 inches thick with steel in the middle and these great big steel bolts that come out when you lock it.