This is a manhole that has no cover, right in the middle of the path. Someone did put some boards over it, which in some ways is worse, because you don't see the hole unless you know it is there.

These are some of the paths heading off in different directions.

Now we are in the 3rd and 4th blocks where we head through apartment blocks.

This is the next block of our walk. We have to cross tranvie tracks. Can you see the foot path through the snow. Everyone walks single file, so all you see is narrow tracks through the snow.

This is the scenery in the first block of walking home after church. Everywhere there are exercise bars for people to do their exercises on.
As you can see, everything is falling into the hole for the whole block.
This is one of the heating pipe that has sprung a leak. You can tell them all over town because of the steam clouds over them. This one is right behind our church, with the black fence the back of the church.
Dad, after he got his Iceshoes on and leaving the church parking lot.

President Sovchucks car with an electric heater on the engine so he can start it after church. You either have to do this or leave it running in -20F weather